
Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Book of Clues

Years ago, when I was quite lost and wandering aimlessly without direction or purpose, I started The Book of Clues. I knew that the right answers to things would sometimes float through my head; the problem was that I seemed to grasp at all of the wrong answers. I was the queen of poor judgment. I could see wisdom all around me, and sought it out actively; I just couldn't seem to tap into wisdom's flow.

So I started the Book of Clues. Every time I heard something or read something or saw something or experienced something that seemed like wisdom, I wrote it down in the Book of Clues. I thought that if I collected all those bytes of wisdom-like words they might point me into some sort of direction for my life.

The first entry in The Book of Clues had to do with the seeming irrationality of marrying a young Tunisian illegal immigrant just for something to do. Part of me seemed to know that even being in that kind of situation to begin with was a sign of some serious life imbalance. 1998, I think that year was. The year of the unfortunate eye-poking incident (but that's another story altogether.)

I started The Book of Clues in a black & white composition book, the kind you used in school. Eventually, over many years, the book became filled with knowledge. Eventually, too, the Law of Attraction kicked in. Because I focused on what was good, and true, and pure, and good, those qualities became a permanent and prominent part of my daily life. Eventually I set The Book of Clues aside and got on with the process of living my life. I fell in love, reconciled with my daughter (and lost her again, but that, too, is another story). I lost my job and found another one, lost touch with friends, and found newer ones. Life moved on.

Lately, my life has experienced another level change. I have moved into a new house, started a new job, am building a new relationship, developing new skills, becoming more creative by writing (finally) and making a little music. I learned the last time my life had a major shakeup that if I focus on the little bits of wisdom that float through my life every day, then they will serve as little beacons of light to lead me onto the right path for my life. Focus on what's good and right, and let the rest just fall away.

So this blog is now The New Book of Clues. Here is where I will write things that I see and hear and do and think, so that I can remember them later when it matters. I won't be advertising this site, so if you are reading it, it is because our paths were meant to cross in this way. I hope that my words will serve as clues towards your own search for meaning.