Self: Nine of Wands
Main (positional) meaning | General | Position
Exhaustion ruins the ability to make good judgments; find someone who can fill in for you until you are refreshed.
The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.
When the Nine of Wands is in this position, putting things off and giving yourself some time to rest is important, although it may be psychologically difficult for you to do so. In situations where we think we are irreplaceable, we all too often neglect to give ourselves time to rest and recuperate.
It would be to your advantage to find a competent ally who can fill in for you until you regain your energy. Try to remember that exhaustion impairs the ability to make good decisions, giving negative forces an opportunity to gain an advantage. For the sake of yourself and the entire situation, take a break!
Situation: Judgment - Rejuvenation!
Main (positional) meaning | General | Position
A dramatic wake-up call is getting the attention of your circle.
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
With the Judgment card in this position, it's as if you and the people around you are coming out of a profound trance. You are gaining greater powers of discernment about the interrelationships that support all life, thus breaking through barriers that formerly divided you.
Looking at everything with fresh eyes, you can re-evaluate current conditions with renewed zeal toward the common good. In this way, you can reclaim your place in the long chain of awakening souls stretching throughout the ages. The circumstances are extraordinary for evoking simultaneous awakening across an entire group. By all means, take advantage of them.
Challenges/ Opportunities: Two of Pentacles
Main (positional) meaning | General | Position
Stay flexible while the outcome is still unknown.
The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
The Two of Coins in this position suggests that you stay flexible even when the outcome is still unknown. It's a good time to develop plans for various possible outcomes, both good and bad.
Once you are prepared for any eventuality, you can maintain some serenity even if everyone around you is worried. The best thing to do is stay calm and you will have energy at your disposal for the moment when you can again take action.
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