
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Secret to the Secret: Our Emotional Guidance System

Before we get too far into the Prosperity Project, I'd like to give credit to Abraham, who invented this game. For those who are not familiar with this phenomenum, Abraham is a group of non-physical beings who communicate with us using the body and Mind of Esther Hicks. Together, they are known as Abraham-Hicks. This cooperative communication is a form of what is commonly called Channeling. I think Shirley MacLaine is the one who first popularized the term. The sentiment that arises when most people think of channeling most often resembles some form of contempt and derision. I mean, really. Channeling?

That's the reaction I initially had when I was first introduced to Abraham-Hicks. It was just plain weirdness to me. But in my spiritual quest the name Abraham-Hicks kept popping up. I couldn't seem to escape the fact that eventually I would have to listen to what this Abraham being was trying to say. And listen I did.

When I finally got beyond the medium and really listened to the message, I realized that there is a whole lot of truth being communicated here. So I started listening to the tapes and reading the books. And I began to learn.

I mentioned in my last post that the movie The Secret seemed to leave out something really important. Part of that left-out piece can be found in Wallace D. Wattles' book, The Science of Getting Rich, which we explored in my last post. Wattles talks a lot about how we should think and act in order to co-create our world. And still that is not the whole story.

In the original version of The Secret, Abraham-Hicks was one of the talking-head experts featured in the film. Due to an inability of the parties to reach a legal agreement concerning the terms of creative license, among other things, Abraham-Hicks was removed from the project. This explains the big fat hole of some unsaid Secret that looms large in the final version of The Secret. Abraham-Hicks is the Phase 2 that is missing from the film. (Remember, Phase 3 is profit!)

The main point of Abraham's version of The Secret lies in the power of our emotions to act as our spiritual compass. Abraham calls it our Emotional Guidance System. Here is how it works: When you are thinking a thought that feels good, you are aligned with your spiritual self. When you are thinking a thought that feels bad, it is because your thinking is not in alignment with how your spiritual self views the situation. In order to attract into your life that which Spirit wants for you, simply choose a better-feeling thought in the present moment. In any moment, there is a thought which feels better, and a thought which feels worse. Choose the better thought. Choose a thought that gives you a feeling of relief. Then you know you're on the right path. It's as simple as that, really.

Once I got past the whole channeling thing and really started to listen to the message of Abraham, I began to realize how important the Abraham clue really is. I began listening to recordings of their live workshops, and bought the most current book at that time, Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness. With a title like that, I just had to buy the book. That is exactly what I had been trying to attract: money, health, happiness.

Last week I was listening to the audio version of that book for probably the 4th time, and as they got to the part of the workshop where they offer exercises that might help us to stretch our ability to ALLOW wealth into our life, I heard once again the rules of what they call the Checkbook Game: First day, deposit $1000 into your imaginary checkbook and decide how you would spend it. The next day, add $1000. Add $1000 a day for a whole year, until on the last day you are spending $365,000. For the next few days I couldn't get that game out of my head. So here we are at the Prosperity Project, testing out Abraham's hypothesis.

As we continue on with our Project, I will urge you to keep in mind the fact that merely thinking about money isn't enough; we need to FEEL ourselves being worthy of money, earning money, spending money, giving money away. We need to FEEL what it's like to live in a space that reflects what our spirit is wanting to express. We need to FEEL what it's like to add value to the people in our lives. We need to FEEL what it's like to be completely and generously supported by our benevolent universe. Or by God, if you will.

Tomorrow we begin Day 2 of the Prosperity Project. How will you spend your $8000?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading Abraham Hicks too! Thanks for the insight. It's always good to be reminded!
