
Monday, September 28, 2009

Five Steps to Powerful Visualization

Those of us who have been following the Prosperity Project every day have been getting some excellent practice in visualization. Today's clue, then, will hopefully help us to fine tune that practice so that we can make it even more powerful. Here are some suggestions.

1. Be Happy About It. The time that we spend every day imagining our abundant and prosperous alternate reality should be happy time. Remember that it is thought fueled by strong emotion that activates the Law of Attraction. As we sit down to do these prosperity exercises, we should first take a moment to clear our brains of any frustrations, doubts, or worries that may be trying to intrude. As we imagine ourselves spending our money every day, we should make it a point to paint a picture that makes us really happy. Feel the joy in your heart as you imagine yourself being, doing, and having the things that your daily money is making possible for you.

2. Use All Five Senses. The more of your senses that you can imagine engaging as you visualize, the more powerful the process will be. If you are working in your new workshop, can you really feel the wood under your hands as you sand it smoothe? Can you hear the sound of the saws? Can you smell the wonderfully sensual aroma of sawdust? Can you taste how delicious that first cup of coffee is in the morning as you plan out your work for the day? Can you see the details of your shop? (More on this one in a bit.) Does all this make you happy? (Being happy is really important in this process).

3. Be There. This one is very subtle. When you visualize your scene, where are YOU in the scene? Are you seeing yourself enjoying the fruits of your imagination as if you were watching yourself on TV? Does it seem that you are out-of-body, watching yourself work from a distance, as if you were two people -- one watching, one doing? OR, are you actually IN the scene, as if you are really inside that imaginary body in the workshop, seeing through THOSE imaginary eyes? Of all these perspectives, the last one is the most powerful. When you visualize your prosperous future, really BE THERE.

4. Have a Clear Mental Image. The more precise you can be about the details of your vision, the more powerful your vision will be. This step is important, because it helps to weed out ambiguities and doubts. When you first begin getting a clear mental image of your desired future, you will find that you have conflicting desires. If you choose to imagine one thing that you really want, it means that you will not be able to follow some other dream. I cannot choose both to grow a vegetable garden and go on a speaking and book-signing tour; if I'm on tour, who will tend the garden? Get the picture? Precise visualization will force you to make a choice. This is immensely important, because once you are very clear on where you truly want to go, the Universe will move heaven and hell to get you there. So, as you visualize your perfect world, picture it in as much vivid detail as possible.

5. Don't Forget Your Loved Ones. This one is important, but tricky. The kind of visualization we are practicing here on the Prosperity Project has the power to radically change the shape of your reality. Just as you must decide exactly which reality you are wanting to manifest, you must also clearly decide how your loved ones will fit into your new reality. As you become the person who will easily attract the reality you are visualizing, the dynamics of your current relationships will change. There will be people in your life who will be uneasy with the new, prosperous you. They may not welcome the change, and will want you to stay right where you are because that is what is comfortable for them. When people no longer vibrate at the same frequency, those relationships fall away to be replaced by new relationships. It is important, then, to decide which people you want to keep in your vibrational sphere and to imagine them in the scene with you. Imagine them vibrating at your new frequency, and imagine yourselves happy together, enjoying the fruits of your new-found prosperity. Relationships are way more important than things; if you can't share your wealth with the people you love, then what's the point?

We'll have lots of opportunity to practice these tips in the months to come. I wonder where we'll end up?

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