
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Prosperity Project Day 22

Greetings, prosperous friends.  Today we have $22,000 to spend, invest, or give away, as our spirit dictates.

I have enjoyed this recent influx of revenue, and am happy about the way that I have been using the money that has come my way.   Money, like everything else, seems to come in waves.  It ebbs and flows, like the surf.  There is a time for spending, a time for saving.  When our relationship with money is a healthy one, we allow money to come and go without letting it make us fearful.  I believe that money is energy, in the same way that the chi that is our life force is energy, in the same way that love is energy.  All energy comes from the same Universal Source, and we are all connected with all of it and with all of each other.  All of the abundance in the entire universe flows from that Universal Source, and belongs to us, and we to it.  There is no lack anywhere.  We have nothing to fear. 

During the course of this game, I've been learning some things about the proper use of money.  When the money is flowing freely, we are generous with it.  We share our good fortune with those we love, and we use some of it to make the world a better place.  When the money is flowing freely, we allow ourselves to flow with it. Money allows us to fully express our most cherished dreams.  We've used the money to create a space for ourselves where we can do the kind of work that brings us the the most joy, which allows us to add value to the rest of the world, which in turn causes money to flow our way again.  The cycle of money seems to be a cycle whose byproduct is joy ... more life for all, as Wattles would put it. This joyful and free feeling toward money is a far cry from my former life, in which the subject of money always seemed to make me cringe in worry and fear. 

We have been generous with our share of money without being reckless with it.  We have lived within our means.  Each of us has been careful to put aside a bit  of money.  That seemed odd to me at first, because I was under the impression that we would always be getting $1000 more each day than we had gotten the day before.  It seemed ridiculous not to spend it all.  Yet, saving some money had also seemed right.  Now, I'm beginning to understand the wisdom of saving money.  First, developing a habit of saving money also develops the very healthy habit of living well within your means. People who save money tend not to be the same people who acquire debt. Second, letting money pool into an ever-growing fund of cash is how we acquire that wonderful thing known as capital.  With capital, our money can work on its own to bring us revenue, freeing up our time for more leisurely pursuits.  Third, having money set aside acknowledges the reality of the cyclic nature of money's energy.  It comes, it goes.  The secret is to enjoy it freely as it flows in, and to trust and be unafraid if it seems to be flowing away. 

I like that each of us playing the Prosperity Project game stayed in our original home.  With all the money we had been getting we could easily have moved into a fancier house, but instead we chose to stay right where we started.  I particularly like that our lifestyles did not grow along with our incomes.  If the money does not flow as freely in the future as it has been, we have nothing to fear.  We did not acquire any debt, and our lifestyles have stayed smallish.   Our tools, homes, and cars are paid for, and we will continue to be just fine.

Now, it's time to allocate today's funds:  

$22,000  Royalties and profits from Motherpearl Enterprises continue to cover the cost of my staff, as well as enough extra to keep me living comfortably. 

$  2,000  Space Coast Performing Arts Center building fund

$  5,000  Wealth Building Fund (Total $70,000)

$15,000  Mountain Home fund (Total $29,000)

I've been enjoying the motor home.  We've stayed in it while we've been touring the Carolina mountains.  It has allowed us the freedom of trying out different towns so that we will know when we will have found "home."  I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for yet, but I'll know it when I see it. 

So, how will you spend your $22,000? 


  1. I most like, too, that none of us went "wild" with our new found wealth and that all of us gave some to help others. I think both of those are big statements and reflect the thankfulness and joy we have for what we have been given.

    For me, personally, I recall stating early on in this game that I was not very disciplined in budgeting but I look back at my last several days worth of comments and find that this has changed in me, and today's comment continues to reflect my new attitude:

    Book royalties: $22,000

    Wealth building account: $2,500
    Vacation fund: $2,500
    U of A scholarship fund: $5,000
    Arkansas land purchase: $12,000

  2. Even when there's not a great influx of money coming in, I enjoy helping others as they and their needs cross my path. This doesn't mean I go without by any means, but we are all in this Life thing together, so I don't mind sharing my blessings even when they are more modest.

    I am finding that I seem to want to 'save' more. I wonder how much I will need to save before I feel comfortable.

    My first stint at full-time PI-ing netted me today's deposit: $22,000

    $10,000 - savings (to-date: $40,400)
    $5,000 - travel fund (to-date: $20,000)
    $5,000 - to others in need as they cross my path, and my favorite charities
    $2,000 - for me! (fresh-cut flowers, books, lotions and shampoos, a massage, tickets for the next Engelbert Humperdinck show... : )
