
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Prosperity Project, Phase 2: Do What You Love, Do It With Others

Greetings, my prosperous friends.

Every day we're learning a little bit more about how we can go from making the small (or nonexistent) amount of money we are earning now, to making enough money that we can have real wealth.  We decided that wealth is simply the freedom to be, do, and have anything that we can dream of, and that money is only an energetic tool that can help to make that happen.  And yesterday, we explored the idea that successful people exude self-confidence because they are doing something that they are knowledgeable about and that they do well. 

So now, let's look at our answers to yesterday's study question.  When you are in the flow, when time stand stills, when you are doing work that you enjoy, what are you doing?  The answer to that question is one clue to answering the question, "What can I do that will earn me some real money?"  

On Day 27 of the Prosperity Project, we talked about the idea of a Master Mind.  People like Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie amassed huge fortunes because they didn't rely only on their own limited personal knowledge.  Instead, they assembled a team of people, each of whom were experts in their particular field.  These people didn't need to know everything about making cars or steel, they only needed to know their own part of it.  If everyone on the team does what they do best, then they will be doing work that engages them and for which they have a passion.  A team assembled around that level of excellence is bound to be successful.  Ford and Carnegie themselves were doing work that they did best:  they were excellent at having a vision, seeing the big picture, and organizing and directing the efforts of their team. 

Now, I want to digress here for a moment to point out that not everyone is destined to be a master of industry.  Not everyone is an entrepreneur, so although it is popular in these times to entertain the idea of starting your own business, that route may not be for you.  Remember, that wealth is being free to be, do, and have, whatever you want.  Owning your own business may require that you spend long hours doing work that you hate, and being tied to a business that you can't leave or it will fail.  That is not freedom. 

My brother, for example, is a master craftsmen.  He can take old furniture and turn it into a priceless work of art.  He can turn fabric into stunning high-end draperies that have been showcased in major national trade magazines.  He loves working in his shop; he is the very best at what he does, and he enjoys his work immensely.  He is limited in the money that he can earn, however, because his earnings are tied to his personal labor.  Granted, he gets top dollar for his work because of the level of excellence that he puts into his pieces, but if he wants to make any real money at it he needs to hire help.   He tried that for a short time, but realized that he was spending his time managing his staff instead of working in his shop.  Instead of being a master craftsman, he had turned into a manager and hated his job! 

The point that I am making here is that our aim is to create the life that will bring us the most pleasure.  We want to have a life that is so enjoyable that when we open our eyes in the morning we bound out of bed ready to greet the new day.  If we hate our job, that is very unlikely.  If we hate our job, it doesn't matter how much money it pays.  If, then, we are to be successful, we want to design a life around activities that we enjoy.  We want to spend our days doing what we love to do best. 

In order to be successful, in order to earn larger wages doing work that we enjoy, we should follow Ford and Carnegie's lead and become a part of a Master Mind team.  That could take many forms:  we could be the entrepreneur who is the visionary who puts that team together; we could form a partnership with others who are starting up a new enterprise, or we could be happy simply being an employee of a company that pays us to play at what we love all day.  We don't have to own a business in order to be considered successful, we simply need to be doing work that makes us happy.  

So how, then, do we get there?  As the Munchkins told Dorothy, "It is always best to start at the beginning."  Start where you are.  If you have a job already, even if it is a job that you don't particularly enjoy and that does not pay you much money, begin working that job as if you are an integral part of a Master Mind team.   Do your part of the job with enthusiasm, with the idea of advancing the cause of the team. It will be wonderful practice for you, and because you will now be focusing on the positive aspects of the job instead of on the parts that you hate, you will begin attracting more opportunities to be an essential part of a successful team.  I guarantee that if you begin working your current job with enthusiasm, you will find that your current job will evolve:  you will find yourself spending more time doing work that you love, and less time doing the stuff you hate. 

If you do not currently have a job, then you have lots of free time on your hands.  Volunteer for something that allows you to use the skills that you identified yesterday as being your favorite thing to do.  Don't worry that you're spending your time working for free; you will be adding value to the world by doing work you love, and the Universe will reward you by sending to you more opportunities to do that work for a fee.  Remember that the Universe wants to support you. 

Today's study question will help you to gain a clearer picture of the kind of work that you are ultimately wanting to attract to yourself:


1 comment:

  1. Travelling, studying, writing & helping others.
